202 iX ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS gk(u) = £ 6<*V, Gjfe(w) = £ I*?' !«*• On the other hand' let (av^v) be a power # /i series In p variables with coefficients in E, which is absolutely summable in a polydisk P of Kp, of center 0 and radii rk(l^k^p). If, in a monomial zv = znl1 ...zn/, we replace "formally" each zk by the power series gk(u\ we are led to take the formal "product" of n^ + n2 + • • • + np series, i.e. to pick a term in each of the n± + • - • + np factors, to take their product and then to "sum" all terms thus obtained. We are thus led to consider, for each v = (X, n2 , . . . , np) the set Av of all finite families Qj,kJ) = p where fikj e N*, k ranges from 1 to p, and for each k, j ranges from 1 to nk\ to such a p we associate the element nk With these notations: (9.2.1) Suppose sl9...,sq are q numbers >0 satisfying the conditions Gjtfo,..., sq) < rk for l^k^p. Then, for each u in the open polydisk S c Kq of center 0 and radii st (1 < i" < q), the family (tp(u)) (where p ranges through the denumerable set of indices A = (j Av) is absolutely summable, and iff(z) = £ avzv, its sum is equal toftg^u), g2(u), ..., gp(u)). In other words, under the conditions Gk(sl9 ..., sq) < rk (l^ "substitution" of the series gk(u) for zk (1 < k ))• From (9.2.1) and (5.3.5) it follows (taking all the ut Give an example in which R" > RRX.